Subject: GIF: Dancing Fairy Author: Stallupp5 Uploaded By: Stallupp5 Date: 8/18/2002 File: 3eyes.gif (58740 bytes) Estimated Download Time (41151 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 4600 Needs: An Animated GIF Viewer Keywords: Stallupp5, AGIF, Animation, EPaint, Character, Fairy, Girl, WWW, Webart, FD Type: Freely Distributed Copyright (See distribution notice below) A picture of a fairy and when you put her on a website or on your background, she jumps up and down. (Image size 92 X 161, 256 Colors) THE UPLOADER CLAIMS AND GUARANTEES TO HAVE FULL AND CLEAR COPYRIGHT TO ALL PARTS OF THIS WORK WHICH THEY HAVE UPLOADED. THIS WORK IS FOR THE PERSONAL, NON-COMMERCIAL USE OF THE DOWNLOADING AOL MEMBER AND MAY NOT BE ALTERED OR REDISTRIBUTED-FOR-REUSE ANYWHERE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE UPLOADER. TO DO SO PLACES THE MEMBER AT RISK OF SEVERE FINES AND PENALTIES FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. JB